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There is magic in the air this week! Three words.. Evolutionary.. Transformation.. Soul growth.. The 2.22.22 portal to divine messages and guidance is now open! The divine veil has been lifted. The power that is held within this portal will be providing us with the potential to move beyond any limitations. We have the opportunity to transcend our mind, body, and soul into the fifth dimension of pure love and light energy. We’re all being gifted with a particular balance on a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual level. Activations and initiations will be in full effect so take advantage of this divine energy.

When it comes to numerology, Angel numbers, synchronicities, and number codes, 2.22.22 has so many meanings. All numbers carry a vibration and a frequency, especially when they are repeated. The number 2 can represent polarity, choices, balance, divine energy, compassion, divine love.. The Angel number 22222 can represent that everything that is for your highest and greatest good is moving into alignment. This is the perfect time for you to reach your highest potential. Over these last few months, you’ve been doing the work and now it’s time to reap the benefits and fruits of your labor!

22222 resonates with the power of 2, 5, and 10. 2 represents love, 5 represents change, and 10 represents the end and the beginning of a cycle so the possibilities and outcomes that you benefit from are infinite. Prepare yourself for great change but be open to new beginnings. Be sure to keep your heart space open and be open to receiving. It’s okay to not be the giver all of the time. Receive what is for you. You deserve it and never forget it.

We’ve also been gifted with the opportunity and energy to get aligned with our true soul purpose and to elevate in our spiritual awakenings. There’s been a major energy shift that will force us to let go of any resistance and will force us to clear blockages that have been standing in our way of enlightenment and ascension. Your intuition and awareness will be heightened during this time. Traumas and emotional wounds will be healed during this time. Friendships, partnerships, and romantic connections will become stronger during this time.

Be open to receiving any blessings, opportunities, and fortunes that come your way. Accept them. Give gratitude. Embrace them. Think positive thoughts, have clear intentions and manifest today because you will be receiving what it is you seek with the quickness! Your guardian angels, guides, and ancestors have been watching over you, and are so proud of the work that you’ve been putting in. Of course, they’re with you, assisting you, and will be there to celebrate with you. This is the perfect time to pursue your life's purpose and take the necessary steps towards your dreams. It's also time to raise your vibrations and RISE UP. Check out our website and the links below to shop. Our Magical Twosday Flash Sale is going on for today only and ends at midnight.. HAPPY 2.22.22!



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Happy Full Moon! The Wolf Full Moon is the first full moon of 2022! Last year was a rocky one but hey.. We made it and this year will be a phenomenal one. With this full moon being in Cancer, you get the chance to hit that reset button and partake in an emotional release. You will be guided to let go of a plethora of things that no longer serve you. It’s time to revisit, re-evaluate, rejuvenate, and re-align. Now is the time for acceptance, stepping into your power, and owning your truths and feelings. Keep an open mind, set your intentions, and prepare for the positive changes that are to come. We've dropped some gems below.

With Mercury and Venus being in Retrograde you’ll be dealing with the following: Aspects in love, Relationships, Value, Partnerships, Communication, and Attractions. These retrogrades may affect others in different ways, but we all get a fresh start! A lot of things that you’ve been dealing with or avoiding are going to start rising to the surface if it hasn't already.. With the moon being in Cancer, you will definitely feel the urge to do what’s best for you. Now is the time to ask yourself “What steps do I need to take to achieve emotional fulfillment?”.. “What makes me happy and what makes me unhappy?”.. "Should I leave this situation in the past, or should I reopen this chapter?".. Check out these helpful tips below!



TRANSPARENT MOMENT: Starting today and moving forward, you will no longer be able to run from or avoid these things, people, feelings, or situations any longer. During this time, your awareness and intuition will be heightened, and you will be guided to connect with your higher consciousness (higher self). Go with your gut feeling and really tap into this full moon energy! You know what you have to release and let go of.. You have all of the tools and resources that you need to be successful, and flourish in whatever it is that you're working towards. Believe in yourself.. When you surrender and release the things that are keeping you stagnant, unhappy, and unsuccessful, you welcome new beginnings, clarity, abundance!

Keep in mind that the things or people that are no longer in your life served their purpose. Give gratitude for those past experiences and lessons and move forward.. The Cancer moon will help you during any healing process and will also assist you with tapping into that love energy.. Passionate energy.. Nurturing energy.. You have sooo many good things waiting for you on the other side of that door! When it comes to finding yourself and learning about your soul’s true life purpose, the time is now. This is your transformational period, and you’re in the process of becoming your best and true self. You got this.

Click the link below to check out products that will help you release, and let go of things that no longer serve your highest and greatest good. Check out our other holistic healing products below, that will assist you with raising your vibration. As always.. It's time to RISE UP!


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Native American Shamans burned sage over a fire to cleanse away dis-ease, anger, conflict, and evil. The Shamans believed that the smoke absorbed negative energy and believed that the smoke was a bridge to higher worlds. They also used Sage to promote healing, wisdom, prosperity, and longevity. Sage comes from the Salvia plant family. It derives from the Latin word salvere, which means "to heal."

Sage is used for the smudging process, during rituals in the metaphysical world, and it’s used for healing purposes as well. For those who are unfamiliar, smudging is an ancient ceremony in which you burn sacred plants, (such as sage), to allow the smoke to clear and bless a space. Its been proven to benefit the mental, physical and emotional well-being.

It is a very powerful and beneficial energy cleansing tool and it very popular, but let’s get into some other amazing smudges that work just as well. There is a plethora of plants, incense, and herbs that you can use for smudging. Of course, there’s Sage, Sweet Grass, Palo Santo, Resin incense, Sandalwood, Bay Leaves, Juniper, Eucalyptus.. The list goes on. We carry the ones I just mentioned and so many more!

If you ever catch yourself in a depressed, irritated, or negative mood, it may be time to break out a smudge stick and clear that stale-stuck energy! Energy is all around us and is always encompassing. You cannot create or destroy energy, but you can transform the negative into positive! It's important to keep your energetic field filled with positive energy.

Stagnant and negative energy could potentially manifest into negative things such as dis-ease, a lack of prosperity or success, and can even bring in unhappiness or depression. Smudging rids your space of negativity and invites in positivity. You can even cleanse yourself by smudging, but we will get into that a little later. Now, it’s time to get into how to smudge your space!

First & foremost, open doors and windows. You want the negative stale-stuck energy to leave your space entirely, not just move to another space in your home or office. When performing a space clearing or energy clearing ritual, intention is KEY. Setting intentions is a very important part of the smudging ritual or process so take a moment.

Take a few deep breaths and really think about what it is that you’re wanting to cleanse, bring in, or release. Next, come up with a mantra, prayer, affirmation, or chant to repeat out loud or in your head. You can say something like “I rid all negative energy that is present and I welcome positive energy into my space”. Or “I release everything that is not for my highest and greater good”. Whatever feels right at the time or whatever you feel in your heart..

Next, you want to grab something to catch the falling product, and traditionally, people use a fireproof bowl or a seashell. I’m a little extra and I have a connection to Mermaids, so I love using my Abalone shell to hold under my smudge sticks. You can also use a feather to spread the smoke around your space. It isn’t necessary but it could enhance your smudging experience.

Once you have your intentions set and your tools ready, light your smudge stick and cleanse away. Don’t forget to repeat your mantra or affirmations as you’re clearing your space! To fill your home or office with more cleansing vibrations, try moving clockwise around the perimeters of your space. This is called Circumambulation. Be sure to hit every corner of your home or office, including hidden spaces, closets, under your bed/desk, etc.

If you want to cleanse your energy or aura, you can follow the same preparation steps above. The only difference is you would focus your intentions on yourself, versus your space. Hold your smudge stick away from you, at about an arm's length distance. Move it up and down your body and along your chakras. Don’t forget to repeat your mantras and/or affirmations as you clear that stale-stuck from your energy field. This ritual should help you with ridding past traumas, cleansing your aura from energies of others, unblocking chakras, and clearing your mind.

Once you’re done smudging, visualize your space being filled with positivity, love, and light! You should feel lighter and the energy surrounding you will feel lighter. If you’ve been searching for a variety of smudge sticks and energy clearing tools, Cosmic Rise has you covered. We have over 50 energy cleansing and ritual tools to choose from! Click this link to access them and get 30% off! It's time to raise your vibrations and RISE UP!

Cosmic Rise Energy Cleansing & Ritual Tools


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