Cleanse your energy and raise your vibration with our High Vibe Resin Set. Includes .5oz of each of our resins! Dragons Blood - Promotes love, drives away evil, and rids of low vibrational energy. When mixed with other incense, it increases the power and healing benefits. It is also carried and sprinkled around the home for protection. Copal - cleanses your space and aura of negative energy and blockages. It is used to promote love, purity, positivity, and a clear mind. Copal is a perfect tool for meditation as it helps to keep the mind clear and free of negative thoughts. Frankincense - used for bringing in positive energy, purification, driving away negativity, spirituality, inducing visions during meditation, and protection. When combined with myrrh it is a powerful tool for meditation as it helps the mind to stay clear and it keeps you centered. Myrrh is used for purification, raising a spaced vibration, spirituality, getting rid of negative energy, peace, blessing objects, and anointing jewelry. Combined with frankincense it is known for banishing and reaching deeper states of meditation.Add a 10 piece coal for $3
High Vibe Resin Set - Includes 4 types of resins